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how do i find my facebook url

How do i find my Facebook url

How Do I Find My Facebook URL?

In the vast realm of social media, having a unique identifier for your online presence is essential. Your Facebook URL serves as your digital address, allowing others to easily locate and connect with you on the platform. In this article, we'll explore various methods to help you find your Facebook URL effortlessly.

How do i find my Facebook url

Accessing Your Facebook Profile

  1. Login to Facebook: Start by logging into your Facebook account using your preferred web browser or the Facebook mobile app.

  2. Navigate to Your Profile: Once logged in, click on your profile picture or name to access your profile page. This will display your profile information, including your Facebook URL.

  3. Locate Your Facebook URL: On your profile page, look at the address bar of your web browser. The URL displayed here is your Facebook URL.

Using the Search Bar

  1. Access the Search Bar: Alternatively, you can use the search bar at the top of the Facebook interface to find your profile.

  2. Search for Your Name: Type your name into the search bar and press Enter. This will display a list of search results, including your profile.

  3. Find Your Profile: Look for your profile in the search results and click on it to navigate to your profile page.

  4. Check the URL: Once on your profile page, examine the address bar of your web browser to find your Facebook URL.

Additional Methods

  • Direct Link: If someone has shared a link to your Facebook profile with you, simply clicking on the link will take you directly to your profile page, revealing your Facebook URL in the address bar.

  • Mobile App: If you're using the Facebook mobile app, accessing your profile and finding your Facebook URL follows a similar process to the web browser method.


Finding your Facebook URL is a fundamental aspect of managing your online presence on the platform. By following the methods outlined in this article, you can quickly locate your Facebook URL and share it with others, facilitating easier connections and interactions within the Facebook community.


  1. Can I customize my Facebook URL? Yes, you can personalize your Facebook URL by selecting a unique username for your profile. This makes it easier to remember and share with others.

  2. Is my Facebook URL permanent? Once you've set your Facebook URL, it remains the same unless you decide to change it manually.

  3. Can I find someone else's Facebook URL? Yes, you can search for someone else's profile using the Facebook search bar and locate their Facebook URL on their profile page.

  4. What should I do if I can't find my Facebook URL? If you're having trouble finding your Facebook URL, double-check your profile page in both the web browser and the mobile app. If you still can't find it, consider reaching out to Facebook support for assistance.

  5. Can I share my Facebook URL with others? Yes, sharing your Facebook URL allows others to easily find and connect with you on the platform. You can share it via email, social media, or messaging apps.


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