how to start a blogging and make money

How To Start a Blogging And Make Money

Follow these 6 steps to learn how to create your own start a blog And Make Money💰

Follow these 6 steps to learn how to create your own start a blog

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How to Start a Blog And Make Money

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This Article Topic how to start a blogging and make money - If you want to earn money by creating your website, then you have to complete these six steps.

 I have given below. Read them thoroughly and work on these stands. You have prepared your website.

 Also put a post. Putting a post does not work, you have to put a post of daily. So that the post of your website is in running And Google will know that this web site has been posted daily. And this website has only one.

 So Google will automatically start indexing all the young people on your web site. Then your website. Traffic Coming will start.

 By doing this, if you put more posts than posts on your website within a month or more than a month. Then almost 100 visitors of the day also started coming to your website. So you You can apply for monetization of your website.

 You will have to take the help of Google Adsense or Media.Net to get the monetization done. Your website. Whatever traffic has come through that. On the website. Pay you money by showing the ad. Any ad network.

 You will see money only when the ad will show on your website. Impression will come on D, he pays you according to your website according to the impression. Thus try to get more and more track.

Write one post better than one. So that more and more traffic comes to your website. More Similarly, earning more and more on your website.In this way you can start a blog.

  • how to pick a domain name for your blog

According to the low of your website. In which you are making your website on the basis of the name. Name on the basis of the same low? eg. I am making a. bank website. dot. comma. 

Now I can name any bank website I can write. eg. ICICI Bank. RBL Bank. This is a total. Done that we are working on the bank, working on the bank's website, will also post the video related to the bank. Checking staff.In this way you can start a blog

  1. Create blog website creative name.   

chosen for the name of his blog. Enter the name of your website by putting the title on the name and prepare the website.In this way you can start a blog

Choose your blog template.

If you are building your website on Select the template. That will be your template.Customize the design of your blog to match your style. Start writing posts.

Now you put the post on your website. To enter the post, you have to click on your New post. And you have to write your new post.
Use your unique tone and voice to share your expertise.

Connect your domain.

Choose the name of your website. Which we call domain. This domain you have to buy. And. You take this domain name? That domain name on it. From this you have prepared your website. Try to take domain name for the same Do it.

Get online with a domain name that makes it easy for people to find you. 

  • Publish posts and go live.

Now whatever post you have written, you have to put the title heading, subheading, everything properly and publish that post. Public means this post has gone on the internet all over the world.

  • index your website on search engines

Index the URL of whatever post you have written. To get indexed, we have to go to Google Consul.  name Google Webmaster Tools? We will go inside Google Webmaster Tools and index the URL of our website. 

This is very important to do. That is, what does Google know about what we put inside our website? We have to tell Google that we have put a post whose name is this and its user has gone url.In this way you can start a blog

Social Media

If you want to make your website flow, then you must take the help of social media. Social media is such a platform where if your website has flown once. And once it came in the ranking. So your website ranking in continuous run itself. So, take the help of social media. Social media likes.

 Facebook? U. Best? Pinterest etc. Which will help to make your website more and more running. And more traffic will come to your website.

Search Engine

Search engine. As if you had indexed your website in Google search engine. Similarly, you should also index your website in the Bing search engine. So that the bing also knows that inside your website. Which data is kept where ? In the same way get your website indexed in the yandex also. Similarly, you should not get your website in duckduckgo also.

On Page SEO

You must do those pencils of your web site. Because by doing this your website burns in running. What is fast SEO?    You. Wrote different posts in your website. And different URLs of different posts are in front of you.

You inside one of your posts. Inserting the URL link of your other post. Also om pe. Phone page SEO work.

 While writing the post. Length of one watch. Not more than two lines. This is also the same as them. Inside your website. You have entered the URL of your website. Which is called internal URL. Now you. Any other outside The URL of the website is put inside your website. That will be called the external URL. 

Which will link your business. to somewhere outside. Doing this. Your website's page authority will increase. And. Your website will go to the higher ranking.Start a Blog And Make Money

how to start a blogging and make money

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