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Create Windows 10,11 bootable usb Pen drive from ISO

Create Windows 10,11 bootable usb Pen drive from ISO

Create Windows 10,11 bootable usb Pen drive from ISO

Creating a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 or Windows 11 from an ISO file involves a few steps. Here's a step-by-step guide:


  1. A USB flash drive with at least 8GB of storage capacity.
  2. A Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO file. You can download these from the official Microsoft website.


1. Download ISO File:

  • Download the Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO file from the official Microsoft website.

2. Download Rufus:

  • Download Rufus, a free and open-source tool for creating bootable USB drives, from the official Rufus website.

3. Insert USB Drive:

  • Insert your USB flash drive into a USB port on your computer.

4. Run Rufus:

  • Run the Rufus tool that you downloaded.

5. Configure Rufus Settings:

  • In Rufus, select your USB drive from the "Device" dropdown menu.

  • Under "Boot selection," click on "Select" and choose the Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO file you downloaded.

  • Ensure the "Partition scheme" is set to "MBR" for legacy BIOS or "GPT" for UEFI. Most modern systems use UEFI.

  • Set the "File system" to "NTFS."

  • Enter a label for your USB drive in the "Volume label" field.

  • Click "Start."

6. Warning:

  • Rufus will display a warning that all data on the USB drive will be destroyed. Make sure you've backed up any important data from the USB drive.

7. Create Bootable USB:

  • Click "OK" to proceed.

8. Wait for Completion:

  • Rufus will format the USB drive and copy the necessary files to make it bootable. This process may take some time.

9. Completion:

  • Once the process is complete, Rufus will display "READY" at the bottom, indicating that your bootable USB drive is ready.

10. Eject USB Drive:

  • Safely eject the USB drive from your computer.

Now, you have successfully created a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 or Windows 11. You can use this USB drive to install or repair Windows on a computer. Make sure to follow the correct procedure for booting from USB on the target computer, and note that the installation steps may vary depending on the Windows version


Why would I need a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 or 11?

  • A bootable USB drive is essential for installing or repairing Windows on a computer. It allows you to perform a clean installation or troubleshoot issues with the operating system.

2. What do I need before creating a bootable USB drive?

  • You need a USB flash drive with at least 8GB of storage capacity and a Windows 10 or 11 ISO file, which you can download from the official Microsoft website.

3. What tool can I use to create a bootable USB drive?

  • You can use Rufus, a free and open-source tool, to create a bootable USB drive. Download it from the official Rufus website.

4. How do I configure Rufus settings?

  • After launching Rufus, select your USB drive, choose the Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO file under "Boot selection," set the "Partition scheme" to "MBR" or "GPT" based on your system, choose "NTFS" as the "File system," enter a label for the drive, and click "Start."

5. What precautions should I take before starting the process?

  • Ensure that you've backed up any important data on the USB drive, as Rufus will format it, erasing all existing data.

6. What does the warning in Rufus mean?

  • The warning indicates that all data on the USB drive will be destroyed. Confirm and proceed only if you've backed up necessary data.

7. How long does it take to create a bootable USB drive?

  • The time it takes depends on your system's speed and the USB drive's capacity. The process may take several minutes.

8. How can I use the bootable USB drive to install Windows?

  • Insert the bootable USB drive into the target computer, restart, and boot from the USB drive. Follow on-screen instructions to install or repair Windows.

9. Can I use the same bootable USB drive for both Windows 10 and 11 installations?

  • Yes, the same bootable USB drive can be used for both Windows 10 and Windows 11 installations. Choose the desired version during the installation process.

10. What if I encounter issues during the installation process?

  • Check your BIOS/UEFI settings to ensure the computer is set to boot from USB. If issues persist, consult the Microsoft support documentation or community forums.

This FAQ provides guidance on creating a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you have specific questions or encounter issues, feel free to seek assistance from relevant resources or ask for help



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