How to make webstory for google blogger website


How to make webstory for google blogger website

How to make webstory for google blogger website

Creating a web story for your Google Blogger website involves a few steps. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Google has a dedicated Web Stories format that allows you to create immersive and visually appealing stories. Keep in mind that the features and processes may evolve, so it's a good idea to refer to the latest Google guidelines.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a web story for a Google Blogger website:

Step 1: Understand Web Stories

Web Stories are visual narratives presented in a slideshow format, combining images, videos, and text. They are designed to be mobile-friendly and are often used to tell short, engaging stories.

Step 2: Create Content

  1. Gather Media:

    • Prepare high-quality images and short videos that you want to include in your web story.
  2. Write Copy:

    • Craft concise and engaging text to accompany your visuals. Keep in mind that web stories are meant to be consumed quickly, so keep text brief.

Step 3: Use a Web Story Creator

  1. Google Web Stories Plugin:

    • Check if Google provides a specific plugin for Blogger. As of my last update, Google had a Web Stories plugin for WordPress, but it's essential to see if there's a direct solution for Blogger.
  2. Web Story Creation Platforms:

    • Alternatively, you can create your web story using platforms like the Google Web Stories tool ( Once created, you can embed the story into your Blogger post.

Step 4: Embed Web Story in Blogger

  1. Generate Embed Code:

    • After creating your web story, you should be provided with an embed code. If using a third-party tool, follow their instructions to generate the embed code.
  2. Blogger Editor:

    • Open the Blogger post editor where you want to embed the web story.
  3. HTML Mode:

    • Switch to HTML mode in the editor.
  4. Paste Embed Code:

    • Paste the generated embed code in the HTML editor at the location where you want the web story to appear.

Step 5: Publish

  1. Preview:

    • Preview your Blogger post to ensure that the web story displays correctly.
  2. Publish:

    • Once satisfied, publish the post.

Step 6: Optimize for Mobile

  1. Mobile Responsiveness:
    • Ensure that your web story and Blogger website are mobile-responsive to provide the best user experience.

Step 7: Promote and Share

  1. Share on Social Media:

    • Share the link to your Blogger post on social media to promote your web story.
  2. Utilize Hashtags:

    • If applicable, use relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your web story.

Additional Tips:

  • Stay Updated:

    • Keep an eye on Google's official documentation for Web Stories and any updates related to integrating them into Blogger.
  • Engaging Visuals:

    • Use high-quality and visually appealing media to capture the audience's attention.

Please note that Google's services and features may change over time, so always refer to the latest documentation and guidelines provided by Google for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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