bing api pricing | google search console api

Bing API Pricing| Google Search Console API

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the pricing for Bing API and Google Search Console API may have changed. It's recommended to check the official documentation of each service for the most up-to-date and accurate pricing information. Here's a general overview based on historical data

bing api pricing | google search console api

Wix Search Console Verification

1.       Bing Search API

        Bing provides a Search API that allows developers to integrate Bing search results into their applications. The pricing is typically based on the number of requests made to the API.

·         There might be different pricing tiers based on the number of transactions or queries. The first tier might include a certain number of free transactions per month.

·         Additional transactions beyond the free tier could be subject to a per-transaction fee.

2.       Bing Web Search API:

·         Similar to the Bing Search API, the Web Search API allows developers to retrieve web search results from Bing. Pricing is often based on the number of requests or transactions.

3.       Bing Entity Search API:

·         Bing Entity Search API is designed to provide information about entities (people, places, things) in search results. Pricing could be based on the number of transactions or queries.

For detailed and current pricing information, refer to the official Microsoft Bing Search API documentation or contact Microsoft Azure support.

GoogleSearch Console API:

The Google Search Console API is often used by webmasters and developers to access search performance data for their websites. As of my last update, it's important to note that the Google Search Console API itself doesn't have a direct cost, but there may be associated costs based on the usage of other Google Cloud Platform services, such as:

1.       Google Cloud Platform Costs:

·         If you exceed the free tier usage limits for Google Cloud Platform services (such as API requests, storage, etc.), you may incur charges based on your usage.

·         Review the pricing details for Google Cloud Platform services to understand any associated costs.

2.       Quotas and Limits:

·         Google may have usage quotas and limits for the Google Search Console API. It's essential to monitor your API usage to stay within the allocated limits and avoid potential additional charges.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information on Google Search Console API-related costs, consult the official Google Cloud Platform pricing documentation.

Always check the official documentation for both Bing API and Google Cloud Platform services for the latest pricing details, as they may be subject to change.

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